I met Anna at a networking meeting and immediately warmed to her. She has a palpable sixth sense and a wonderful wisdom which comes across in such a charming way, you automatically feel like you have a lot to learn from her. I learned of Anna’s program which aims to help you build confidence and learn how to use your own abilities to develop your life in the best way for you. I had suffered from a very abusive marriage, and my self-confidence was still very low, and as much as I was aware of it, I was unable to solve the problem by myself. I was fearful that the issue was creating problems in my new relationship and I really didn’t want to bring any baggage from the past into my new marriage. I went to see Anna and went through her 10 session program. I did not want to speed through the sessions so we took them at my pace, which spanned over several months. This gave me time in between to consider and put into practice all that Anna had discussed with me. She made me realise that I already had the skills I needed within me to realise that I am a wonderful person with a unique set of talents and that I am completely worthy of being loved just as I am. She also made me realise that it was safe and normal to appreciate all my qualities, and also not to fear or be intimidated by the talents or attributes of others.

Over years of mental and physical abuse in my marriage to a highly narcissistic man, I had been made to feel worthless, and unattractive and I had been told for years that I was stupid, fat and ugly, even though I have a number of degrees from the world’s top universities, am a partner in a law firm, and am often complimented on the way I look. I had started to believe the negatives. I realised that the person I had become was not the person I wanted to be, and Anna also made me see that some of the issues had been present all of my life, but that my ex-husband had done a magnificent job of highlighting all of my insecurities and rubbing my nose in them on a daily basis. I have reached a point now, at the end of the program where I can see that I am not fat, stupid or ugly, and that I must start to use positive words to describe myself, and be proud of all the good attributes I have which make me unique and not to try to hide anything which I feel is not loveable about myself.

I feel much stronger and very proud that I am healing from the effects of abuse, and I am learning to love myself, and to laugh at myself and forgive myself for things rather than being so self-critical. I had become so hard on myself and was continually striving for perfection, and had set such ridiculously high standards for myself, yet expected so little from others. It became apparent that I have spent much of my life with narcissistic people close to me and that I have allowed them to have power over me, and have continually sought their approval. Anna made me see that this is no longer serving me well to look to anyone else for confirmation that I am worthy of love, or good enough. It was becoming so exhausting! I was also imprinting my ex-husband onto my new partner, expecting the same bad reaction from him unless I did everything perfectly and looked perfect all of the time. Anna has made me see that my new relationship is nothing like my old one, and that my husband loves me just as I am, and I don’t have to hide my insecurities from him as he wants what is best for me and isn’t a narcissist so is capable of love. This has been amazing for my relationship.

Thanks to Anna, I have been effectively retraining my brain to know that I am more than good enough just as I am, and that I do not need to compete or to pretend any more. I am far from perfect, but I am well on my way to loving myself, and my self-confidence is growing all the time. I hope that Anna will always be in my life. I feel as though I have spent a number of months just chatting with a friend, yet the work she has done has been fundamental in changing my life!

“I completed Anna’s 3-month Program starting this February. The techniques that Anna used throughout the program and her personality made every session unique and equally valuable. She combined methods of healing with methods of very profound self-discovery and self-empowerment.
Anna’s warm personality made it easy for me to open up about areas in my life where I needed to transform. I made several breakthroughs during the program that changed my perception on fundamental aspects of my life, and as a result, I am now in a much happier place and I am a more confident woman than ever before.
I am very happy that I made the decision to sign up for this program. I highly recommend it to any woman of any age.”

Many more aha moments to name but thank you once again for helping me shift towards a conscious state. I’m noticing my mind is less noisy.
I do feel lighter. I appreciate my journey more than I initially did.
There’s layers of lessons every week that passes. And having a much better sense of myself.
As you said from the beginning Anna, appreciating what my limitations were in the past… then making peace with it… and now changing with consciousness makes so much sense of late. I’m seeing what you meant clearly.